Friday, July 29, 2005

My Friends Call Me Demosthenes

I do believe I am getting better at the job I hate, which is rather distressing. My usual job at work is quite repetitive and mindless, and therefore somewhat enjoyable for me. The job I've been forced to take for the next few weeks while my thumb is non-functional has none of those perks. I have been exposed to new procedures, new tasks, and new ideas, all of which give me new headaches.
However, this new job also comes with a desk. A desk that holds a computer. A computer that connects to the internet. An internet that lets me blog to my heart's content, thereby influencing public opinion as I have always desired to do.
True, this is all in my head. But I need something to keep my mind off of learning new things and making myself more of an asset to the company. Who wants to do that?
I've been accumulating a lot of work I have to catch up on, too. That's never good. I actually have a 'pending' file now, and I'd really love to burn it. I can't believe people actually strive to acheive jobs like this.
So anyway, here I am at work, with nothing to do, looking at my pending file, typing on my computer on my desk at my kinda new job. Man, I'm hungry.
I think maybe I'll un-pend that file after all.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

My Issue With Video Games

Yes, I have a slight problem. Namely, that practically every video game out there requires extensive left-thumb action. I've never taken particular note of this fact before, but having lost the use of the single aforementioned left thumb that has been alotted to me, I find myself unable to play my favorite games. Or my least favorite games. Or even the ones I'm just so-so about. And I refuse to buy Dance Dance Revolution just so I can say I'm gaming, because I don't believe that counts.
You may think that tv, movies, or books could waste my time just as effectively. But the sad truth is, they just can't. They do have their high points, especially books, which I am a HUGE fan of. But if I want to do something fairly mindless, but still requiring some small effort on my part, since I'm not married, I have few options other than video games.
I've heard rumors that Nintendo's new system will be a lot more innovative than the rest of the next-gen consoles. Wireless controllers are great, but come on, my vcr's ahead in that tech department by about 40 years. I'm talking pressure sensitive EVERYTHING, not just buttons and joysticks; different possible controller setups so you're not so reliant on, say, a left thumb; just give me something that moves the industry forward instead of keeping it where it is so it can stagnate.
So in closing, if you're a video game enthusiast, like I know just about everyone who bothers to read this is, don't break your thumb. At least not till Nintendo starts its Revolution. It's pretty sad to see Link swinging his sword and throwing his boomerang, but never being able to move from the spot he's standing in.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Opening Statements

So, here it is, a blog. It's funny how many people still have no idea what that is. I sometimes make them believe it's a vegetable. Or a curse; i.e. eat blog and die. But usually I try to explain it to them correctly, by which I mean that I tell them I really don't know, just read it.
Surprisingly, I don't think many people will read it.
I really have no current rants, other than the usuals, which include my job, my lack of money, my lack of spare time, etc. This week we add an injured digit to the list. My thumb was nearly severed when I caught it between a falling mahogany chest and a Silverback gorilla's teeth. Actually, I tripped and fell, and landed on it wrong. But spread around the first story; it makes me sound kind of heroic. Or at least not so clumsy.
I'm obviously quite new to this blog world, so my posts will no doubt be random and strange for a long time to come. I have chosen to embrace this rather than be upset by it, I hope you will too.