Wednesday, December 21, 2005

For the Love of Pizza

I think toaster ovens are one of the greatest inventions ever. Seriously. We wouldn't have even needed fire if we'd had toaster ovens. They're great. Which is why it saddens me when my toaster oven deliberately tries to injure/maim/decapitate/murder me. I mean, do you realize how HOT the thing gets? Apparently, I didn't respect it by giving it enough space, so when I reached in to remove my pizza, it jumped at me and singed the back of my hand, giving me a frightful burn. Luckily, I have presence of mind occasionally, and that was one of the occasions. Being right next to the sink as I was, I ran it under extremely cold water for what seemed like an eternity. We're talking seriously cold. It seemed to work, since it didn't hurt much. But this scar will always make me sad, for it taught me that my toaster oven doesn't always love me the same way I love it. I feel a moment of silence is in order for my toaster oven's lost innocence.

Thank you.
If you're a John Denver fan, I recommend avoiding and checking out the Recently In History link. However, if you do NOT suffer from the aforementioned severe mental handicap, you may enjoy a few moments of John Denver-mocking fun.
Battlestar Galactica Season 2.0 is now on DVD, I recommend buying or renting it at your convenience. While probably not the best for children, it is an amazing show with strong storylines and great actors, and it touches some really big issues. And don't get hung up on the sci-fi thing, because you'll forget about it almost immediately when you get into the actual show.

I feel it necessary to comment on winter, since today is technically the first day of the season. My comment is this: I hate winter. These next three months are going to be torture, and I only hope they go by more quickly than most winters do.

That's all for my monthly update, hopefully this will become a more regular occurrence. I can't always come up with a topic, so if you have something you want discussed, leave me a comment and I'll give you my take on it.


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