My Friends Call Me Demosthenes
I do believe I am getting better at the job I hate, which is rather distressing. My usual job at work is quite repetitive and mindless, and therefore somewhat enjoyable for me. The job I've been forced to take for the next few weeks while my thumb is non-functional has none of those perks. I have been exposed to new procedures, new tasks, and new ideas, all of which give me new headaches.
However, this new job also comes with a desk. A desk that holds a computer. A computer that connects to the internet. An internet that lets me blog to my heart's content, thereby influencing public opinion as I have always desired to do.
True, this is all in my head. But I need something to keep my mind off of learning new things and making myself more of an asset to the company. Who wants to do that?
I've been accumulating a lot of work I have to catch up on, too. That's never good. I actually have a 'pending' file now, and I'd really love to burn it. I can't believe people actually strive to acheive jobs like this.
So anyway, here I am at work, with nothing to do, looking at my pending file, typing on my computer on my desk at my kinda new job. Man, I'm hungry.
I think maybe I'll un-pend that file after all.